Vermont’s Department of Transportation (VTrans) continues to use deadly force to address conflicts with beavers on the D&H Rail Trail outside West Pawlet, despite citizen efforts to convince the public agency to install a non-lethal alternative such as a beaver deceiver or pond leveler. On September 30, 2023 Vermont Wildlife Patrol came to document dog walkers using the trail, just 20 feet from the traps and record testimony on the failure of the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department to propose adequate reductions in the level of suffering experience by animals trapped in Vermont.
We believe the exclusion of body-gripping traps and drowning sets in any recommended trapping changes currently before the Legislature fails the legal mandate of Act 159. At the West Pawlet trap site, five traps could easily be seen strewn across the small beaver pond which runs under the D&H Trail. Three body-gripping traps were set in the water and two foothold traps could plainly be seen on the bank of the pond, easily within reach of the the many dogs using the trail. Vermont Wildlife Patrol spoke to three separate groups of dog walkers who regularly use the trail and all were unaware of the nearby vicinity of the killing and restraining traps. No signage is used by VTrans when trapping immediately off of roads and trails.
Your Tax Dollars At Work…VTrans Costs from trapping and dam removal in West Pawlet (less than one year)
We are asking concerned Vermonters to contact VTrans Secretary, Joe Flynn and request that lethal beaver removal cease on the D&H Trail, and that agency funds be responsibly spent on long-term non-lethal alternatives, rather that wasting taxpayer dollars on dam removal and trapping
Contact Secretary Joe Flynn:
Phone: (802) 476-2690